
Friday, January 17, 2014

My one and only New Years resolution...

I generally don't bother with resolutions but this year I'm setting one. 
To some it may be trivial but for me its HUGE. 
Drum roll please....
Wait for it....

I am going to knit a pair of mittens. 

I am not the greatest knitter but damn it I'm going to do this. 
I have been saying I am going to for years now. 
2014 is the year it's going to happen. 

1 comment:

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Good-Luck to you!!! I don't have the guts to set that intention. I really should kick up my knitting skills a notch though. I look forward to seeing them when they are done. And also to hear if you pulled out any of your hair during the process.